Evidence-based literacy tutoring

One-On-one Tutoring sessions

The TAMU Center for Advanced Literacy Studies tutoring program is designed to serve school-age children in grades Kindergarten through 6th grade who are in need of intervention to either maintain or build their reading skills. Our program is designed to meet the needs and build on the strengths of students who may have reading difficulties. Skills addressed in tutoring may include early reading skills such as phonemic awareness, letter recognition, letter-sound relationships, decoding, and word analysis strategies. If a student has mastered basic reading skills, the instruction may focus on building oral reading fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills for both fictional and informational texts.

Program Features: 

  • Assessment-Informed Instruction: All children will receive initial and ongoing informal assessments that will allow the TAMU tutors at the Center for Advanced Literacy Studies to individualize their instruction to best support the specific reading needs of the individual child.  
  • One-on-One Instruction: All children will receive one-on-one tutoring provided by trained TAMU undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in the College of Education and Human Development. All tutors have taken literacy courses at TAMU to learn a variety of research-based instructional strategies to address children’s needs in but not limited to: concepts of print, phonemic awareness, alphabet knowledge, phonics (decoding and spelling), vocabulary development, oral reading fluency, and reading comprehension. All tutors will be supervised and guided by university faculty and staff.
  • Use of Evidence-Based Instruction: TAMU tutors at the Center for Advanced Literacy Studies will match students’ needs with effective research-based instruction.  Children’s individualized literacy learning needs may include building knowledge and application of: (a) word recognition skills (phonemic awareness and phonics), (b) vocabulary, (c) fluency, (d) reading comprehension strategies, or (e) a combination of these literacy components.

Important Information:

  • The Clinic for Advanced Literacy Studies is located in the Charlotte Sharp Children’s Center (CSCC) located at 1411 Hensel St, College Station, TX 77840
  • Tutoring sessions will occur two days per week for 60 minutes each session (4:45 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. or 5:50p.m. -6:50 p.m. on Tuesday/Thursday or Monday/Wednesday)
  • Fall session will occur October-November.  Spring session will occur February – March. 
  • Tuition fees are $100 for the 6-week session or $200 for the 12-week split session (Fall/Spring). There is no charge to apply. 
  • Tuition costs may be waived based on financial eligibility. Scholarships are limited! To be considered for a reduced tuition financial need has to be verified by BOTH your signature and your child’s school Registrar using this form.
  • In the event of inclement weather situations, the Clinic will follow TAMU’s decisions about cancellation and closure.

Our Facility

Kids reading with Teacher in Reading Clinic

Photo and Testimonial Release Forms

Your children may be photographed during their tutoring sessions for use on our website, social media, and other promotional materials. We request a parent complete the photo release form to give us permission to use photos of your child(ren) for the above-stated purposes. We will never use photos of your child(ren) without your prior written approval.

At the end of each session, we may request feedback about your child’s experience at the Center for Advanced Literacy Studies. If you would like to allow us to use your comments on our website, social media, and other promotional materials, please complete the Release Form. We will never use your comments without your prior written approval.


For questions about tutoring at the Clinic for Advanced Literacy Studies or registration, please contact our administrative coordinator, Christine Hopewell-Ritter, or clinic director, Dr. Ramona T. Pittman.